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Minutes 12/19/06
Holland Conservation Commission
Minutes of Commission meeting held on December 19, 2006.
Present: Mary vandenBerg, Chairperson, Patricia Caron, Rolf Hilbig and James Wettlaufer.  Absent:  Steven Anderstrom, Howard Fife and Kathleen McGrory.

7:00 p.m.  Chairperson called the meeting to order.

Minutes of Commission Meeting held on December 12, 2006 were read, accepted and will be distributed.

Members signed a Vendor Voucher paying the Republican for Legal Ads for $78.75 – John Briere, $38.25; Ian Hand, $40.50.

7:20 p.m.  Rigo Molina of Trifone Design Association presented a Request for Determination of Applicability for Harold Hewinson of 45 Shore Dr. to repair a septic system, and a $50.00 check paying for the Legal Ad.  Public Hearing scheduled for January 9, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

7:25 p.m.  Andy Cormier of Escape Estates gave us, for John Briere, a copy of a Receipt of the Recorded Order of Conditions from the Hampden County Registry of Deeds for his project at 19 Sandy Beach Rd.,  DEP File #184-0210.  Mary vandenBerg signed John Briere’s Procedure Sheet #2006-1111.

Andy Cormier also represented Andrew Harhay’s project on Lot 5, Mashapaug Rd., DEP File #184-0205.  He requested the Order of Conditions be amended, deleting the condition “moving the house15 feet more from the lake”.  It was determined that obeying this condition would cause more disruption to the buffer zone due to the fill required.  Motion was made to approve the plans dated 6-21-2006.  All were in favor.

8:05 p.m.  Procedure Sheet #2006-1151 issued to Peter and Greta Boulger of 24 Forest Park Dr., Map R-14-E-17 & 18 to repair a septic system were present along with Tony Cross, a Civil Engineer.  Following review of plot plans a motion was made to accept the project.  All were in favor.  Mary vandenBerg signed the Procedure Sheet.

Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:
Patricia J. Caron, Secretary
Copies to:  Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.~